Transit Master Plan
Innisfil is growing! By 2034, we estimate that our population will reach over 63,000 residents. In order to meet our current and future needs, the Town of Innisfil is preparing a 10-year Transit Master Plan. This plan will revisit our current public transit system, Innisfil Transit, and go beyond. It’s time to Talk Transit, Innisfil!
How to get involved
Community engagement: Round 2
A second round of community engagement will start soon. Please, stay tuned for further details. Follow this project and register for Get Involved Innisfil if you would like to hear when new opportunities to get involved become available.
Community engagement: Round 1
Our first round of community engagement has concluded. Thank you to all community members who participated in this important work by:
- Submitting your feedback through our transit survey: current state and needs. Read the What We Heard Report.
- Sharing your opinion on Innisfil's current transit system and your vision for the future through one of our open houses. View a recording of the virtual open house.
Share your experience
Are you a current Innisfil Transit user? We want to hear from you! Tell us about your experience in the "Share your experience" tab. You can use text, images, or video. Just remember that all submissions need to follow the rules set out by our Forum Etiquette and Moderation guidelines.