Banks Creek Embankment Stabilization

Project Background
Within the Town of Innisfil, Watercourse No.5 also known as Banks Creek, runs adjacent to 7th Line then crosses to the south side of the road where it intersects with St.Johns, before converging with Lake Simcoe. The section of Banks Creek along St.Johns and downstream towards Lake Simcoe has a history of flooding especially during heavy rainfall events, and snow/ice thawing during the winter time. Flooding causes damage to private properties, and erosion along the watercourse banks.
In 2005, a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) was completed to evaluate solutions and identify a preferred solution to improve the drainage capacity of Banks Creek from St. Johns Road to Lake Simcoe. The results were documented in a report completed in March 2007. The report recommended the preferred solution include the replacement of the existing concrete culvert structure at located on Cross Street with a concrete span structure.
In 2018, the Town created project RDS61 in order to design and construct the bridge replacement located on Cross St. The Town acquired Associated Engineers to carry out the engineering design, contract administration, and construction inspection for the replacement of the existing bridge structure on Cross St. In the winter months of 2018, ice accumulation was monitored using a camera to see the ice build-up within the creek and what occurs to the ice during the spring thaw. During the early design stages it was determined that replacing the culvert located on Cross Street would not increase the capacity by a large amount in order to accommodate upstream flows and alleviate flooding occurring in the area. In addition, the preferred solution that was recommended in the 2007 MCEA report had not been implemented within 10 years. In accordance with the guidance document for Municipal Class Environmental Assessments: If the period of time from filing of the Notice of Completion of Environmental Study Report to the proposed commencement on construction exceeds 10 years, the proponent shall review the planning and design process. The review shall be recorded in an addendum to the ESR which shall be placed on the public record.
In 2019 the MCEA Addendum commenced which:
- Reviewed and updated the current environmental setting
- Identified additional alternative solutions
- Evaluated the additional alternatives relative to the alternative solutions in the original MCEA
- Identified and re-evaluated potential impacts
- Identified and re-evaluated mitigation measures to be deployed
- Consulted with the public and review agencies
- Selected revised alternative solutions.
The MCEA Addendum recommends the following preferred solutions to be implemented:
- Delaying the culvert replacement at Cross Street until the service life of the structure has reached it's end;
- Implementation of a winter ice monitoring program to continue to monitor winter freeze and break-up patterns at the Cross Street Culvert location;
- Maintain detailed records of localized flooding complaints;
- Consider additional alternatives which may offer a higher cost-benefit ratio to alleviate flooding of the nearby properties.
Implementation of Preferred Solutions
As mentioned above the MCEA Addendum recommended to implement four preferred solutions. The Town will be implementing these solutions in order to help improve flooding occurring along neighboring properties of Banks Creek. In addition to the preferred solutions mentioned in the MCEA, the Town will also be looking into opportunities to create upstream Stormwater Management Ponds and or storage solutions.
The Town is also looking at opportunities to provide bank stabilization along the watercourse to help prevent erosion and damage occurring to private properties. The Town will continue to monitor ice along the creek and especially at the mouth of the Banks Creek, maintain records of flooding incidents and come up with other alternatives to alleviate flooding.
On October 14th, 2020, staff report DSR-162-20 RDS61 Cross Street Bridge Replacement Update was reviewed by Council. The purpose of the report was to seek Council approval to reallocate the remaining project budget to support immediate upstream bank erosion in a newly acquired section of Banks Creek.
Construction improvements are scheduled to take place from July to November of 2024.