Circle Park Wetland

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Consultation has concluded

Pictured is a image of a pond and cattails in the summertime.

The Town of Innisfil partnered with the Lake Simcoe Regional Conservation Authority (LSRCA) to construct a Wetland at Circle Park in Gilford. The design and images of the completed wetland can be seen below.

Though this park was wet for approximately 90% of the year and has historically been an issue for residents surrounding the park -by converting to a wetland feature we were able to find a silver lining to bring this space to it's full potential. By re-grading some of the wet areas and incorporating walking trails and lookouts for the community to enjoy! This wetland has already begun to attract wildlife of all kinds, from ducks to frogs to dragonflies. A turtle nesting site and an osprey platform was also created, as they are known to be in the area and we hope to provide them with a safe place to nest.

Research in Progress 

LSRCA and Lakehead University are monitoring the menthane emissions from this habitat. This will help with understanding the role that natural areas play in absorbing cardon dioxide and mitigating climate change. 

If you see the monitoring wells please do not disturb. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact or 905-895-1281

Where is Circle Park?

Circle Park is located in Gilford, approximately 200m from Lake Simcoe. Though this space is currently wet for approximately 90% of the year and has historically been an issue for residents surrounding the park, we're looking to find a silver lining to bring this space to its full potential. By re-grading some of the wet areas, we'll be able to create a new wetland and save some recreational space for the community to enjoy!

Interested in getting involved?

The project will continue in the Fall with the first of many community engagement activities. We'll be hosting a tree planting event for the community to get involved! if you are interested in joining or have any questions, please reach out to us at

The Town of Innisfil partnered with the Lake Simcoe Regional Conservation Authority (LSRCA) to construct a Wetland at Circle Park in Gilford. The design and images of the completed wetland can be seen below.

Though this park was wet for approximately 90% of the year and has historically been an issue for residents surrounding the park -by converting to a wetland feature we were able to find a silver lining to bring this space to it's full potential. By re-grading some of the wet areas and incorporating walking trails and lookouts for the community to enjoy! This wetland has already begun to attract wildlife of all kinds, from ducks to frogs to dragonflies. A turtle nesting site and an osprey platform was also created, as they are known to be in the area and we hope to provide them with a safe place to nest.

Research in Progress 

LSRCA and Lakehead University are monitoring the menthane emissions from this habitat. This will help with understanding the role that natural areas play in absorbing cardon dioxide and mitigating climate change. 

If you see the monitoring wells please do not disturb. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact or 905-895-1281

Where is Circle Park?

Circle Park is located in Gilford, approximately 200m from Lake Simcoe. Though this space is currently wet for approximately 90% of the year and has historically been an issue for residents surrounding the park, we're looking to find a silver lining to bring this space to its full potential. By re-grading some of the wet areas, we'll be able to create a new wetland and save some recreational space for the community to enjoy!

Interested in getting involved?

The project will continue in the Fall with the first of many community engagement activities. We'll be hosting a tree planting event for the community to get involved! if you are interested in joining or have any questions, please reach out to us at

Consultation has concluded

Have a question for us about the changes coming to Circle Park? Ask away! We'll do our best to respond within 48 hours.

  • Share When did we get upgraded to wood chips on the pathways? on Facebook Share When did we get upgraded to wood chips on the pathways? on Twitter Share When did we get upgraded to wood chips on the pathways? on Linkedin Email When did we get upgraded to wood chips on the pathways? link

    When did we get upgraded to wood chips on the pathways?

    dn.gardiner asked almost 4 years ago

    This project is being led by and is funded by the LSRCA, the wetland project is the priority with the budget to help contribute to the Lake Simcoe Phosphorous reduction strategy.

    A future budget will be brought forward to Council for improvements to the trails system within the park.

  • Share What is the purpose of a snake pit? on Facebook Share What is the purpose of a snake pit? on Twitter Share What is the purpose of a snake pit? on Linkedin Email What is the purpose of a snake pit? link

    What is the purpose of a snake pit?

    Why asked about 4 years ago

    Response from Christa Sharp with the LSRCA- The consultant provided many recommendations to improve or enhance the natural heritage features and wildlife habitat.  One of these recommendations was a snake hibernacula but it is not one that we chose to mover forward with for two reasons. One, being that it is not the most optimal site for a snake hibernacula based on the ground water depths in the  area.   Secondly,  we don't typically install them close to houses or are in parks as this phobia is very common.  .

  • Share How deep will the pond be ? on Facebook Share How deep will the pond be ? on Twitter Share How deep will the pond be ? on Linkedin Email How deep will the pond be ? link

    How deep will the pond be ?

    Circleparkfan3 asked about 4 years ago

    The North pond will be under 1 metre (.9m) deep and the south pond will be 1.5 metres deep

  • Share I am very excited about this project! It is the perfect use of this tract of land. I live steps away from Circle Park and would love to assist in any volunteer capacity that may be desired. on Facebook Share I am very excited about this project! It is the perfect use of this tract of land. I live steps away from Circle Park and would love to assist in any volunteer capacity that may be desired. on Twitter Share I am very excited about this project! It is the perfect use of this tract of land. I live steps away from Circle Park and would love to assist in any volunteer capacity that may be desired. on Linkedin Email I am very excited about this project! It is the perfect use of this tract of land. I live steps away from Circle Park and would love to assist in any volunteer capacity that may be desired. link

    I am very excited about this project! It is the perfect use of this tract of land. I live steps away from Circle Park and would love to assist in any volunteer capacity that may be desired.

    Rachelle asked about 4 years ago

    Thanks Rachelle! The Conservation Authority is looking at having a public planting day once the contractor is complete, please email me at so we can make sure you are included in correspondence about that Event! 

  • Share Too much wetland has been taken up by construction. so getting anything back to natural habitat is great. As it's close to road/traffic please consider safety for animals. Birds/turtles so on. on Facebook Share Too much wetland has been taken up by construction. so getting anything back to natural habitat is great. As it's close to road/traffic please consider safety for animals. Birds/turtles so on. on Twitter Share Too much wetland has been taken up by construction. so getting anything back to natural habitat is great. As it's close to road/traffic please consider safety for animals. Birds/turtles so on. on Linkedin Email Too much wetland has been taken up by construction. so getting anything back to natural habitat is great. As it's close to road/traffic please consider safety for animals. Birds/turtles so on. link

    Too much wetland has been taken up by construction. so getting anything back to natural habitat is great. As it's close to road/traffic please consider safety for animals. Birds/turtles so on.

    LouiseAndrews asked about 4 years ago


  • Share Along with the wetlands and conservation initiatives, would it be possible to plant some milkweed around the area? They are a necessary food for butterflies and there is less and less in our region due to construction and new housing projects. on Facebook Share Along with the wetlands and conservation initiatives, would it be possible to plant some milkweed around the area? They are a necessary food for butterflies and there is less and less in our region due to construction and new housing projects. on Twitter Share Along with the wetlands and conservation initiatives, would it be possible to plant some milkweed around the area? They are a necessary food for butterflies and there is less and less in our region due to construction and new housing projects. on Linkedin Email Along with the wetlands and conservation initiatives, would it be possible to plant some milkweed around the area? They are a necessary food for butterflies and there is less and less in our region due to construction and new housing projects. link

    Along with the wetlands and conservation initiatives, would it be possible to plant some milkweed around the area? They are a necessary food for butterflies and there is less and less in our region due to construction and new housing projects.

    Joel_maxwell asked about 4 years ago

    Thanks for your inquiry Joel! The conservation authority is planning on having a public planting event at the site once the contractor is complete. Milkweed can be included in that planting, please let us know if you would be interested in the planting day and we can add you to the list! 

  • Share hi there, i live directly beside this park. i'm looking for information about what exactly is going to be done here - but there is none, other than it will become a "wetland". it is that already (LOL!); are there no details yet?? if it's to be constructed starting this winter, shouldn't there be some kind of details available? and will residents be consulted since we will be directly impacted by any changes? thank you. on Facebook Share hi there, i live directly beside this park. i'm looking for information about what exactly is going to be done here - but there is none, other than it will become a "wetland". it is that already (LOL!); are there no details yet?? if it's to be constructed starting this winter, shouldn't there be some kind of details available? and will residents be consulted since we will be directly impacted by any changes? thank you. on Twitter Share hi there, i live directly beside this park. i'm looking for information about what exactly is going to be done here - but there is none, other than it will become a "wetland". it is that already (LOL!); are there no details yet?? if it's to be constructed starting this winter, shouldn't there be some kind of details available? and will residents be consulted since we will be directly impacted by any changes? thank you. on Linkedin Email hi there, i live directly beside this park. i'm looking for information about what exactly is going to be done here - but there is none, other than it will become a "wetland". it is that already (LOL!); are there no details yet?? if it's to be constructed starting this winter, shouldn't there be some kind of details available? and will residents be consulted since we will be directly impacted by any changes? thank you. link

    hi there, i live directly beside this park. i'm looking for information about what exactly is going to be done here - but there is none, other than it will become a "wetland". it is that already (LOL!); are there no details yet?? if it's to be constructed starting this winter, shouldn't there be some kind of details available? and will residents be consulted since we will be directly impacted by any changes? thank you.

    Sheri asked over 4 years ago

    The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority(LSRCA) is funding and managing the wetland creation project at Circle Park. The LSRCA approached the Town in 2019 looking for Town owned land that could really benefit from environmental improvements like Wetlands.  Unfortunately as you mentioned Circle park is very wet, which made it ideal to be put forward for this wetland project. To date it was very challenging for the Town to make any improvements to the park because it was just so wet. However with the new Wetland, Circle park will gain some dry useable space.  The wetland  can become a great place to create a new home for many species and will increase overall biodiversity of the space! Once complete we can recommend to Council a project that would further enhance the park such as trails, a picnic gazebo, or viewing benches. At that time we will engage local residents!

    The LSRCA is currently working on the design for the wetland, and once completed the Town will load to this site. Please subscribe to the page to ensure you get the updates!