- Residents of Innisfil
- Representatives from community organizations
- Local professionals with experience in planning, building, or related professions
- Members of the development community
What is a Community Planning Permit System?
A Community Planning Permit System (CPPS) is a land use planning tool that combines applications for a Zoning By-law Amendment, Minor Variance, and Site Plan into a single application and approval process. While an Official Plan designates land use and provides policy direction, the role of a CPPS By-law is similar to a Zoning By-law. It provides specific land use provisions to regulate matters such as permitted uses, building heights, parking, and other requirements traditionally found in municipal zoning by-laws.
What areas are involved in the study?
The CPPS study area includes all lands within the boundary of the Town, except lands regulated by the Friday Harbour Zoning By-law, federally regulated lands (e.g. Cookstown airport), and any lands subject to a Ministerial Zoning Order such as The Orbit. The Town is implementing the CPPS By-law gradually, based on geographic priority areas where continued growth is anticipated by our Official Plan.
Who is working on this project?
Working with Consulting Planners
The Town of Innisfil is working with SGL Planning and Dillon Consulting on this project. Our partners are writing technical reports, conducting studies, and assisting with public consultation throughout the process. They are also conducting sessions with Council and two specialized groups, including the Community Advisory Group and the Technical Advisory Committee. Through the process, the consulting firms will provide a series of studies that will examine important considerations for a CPPS in the Town of Innisfil.
Community Advisory Group
We've started a Community Advisory Group (CAG) to support this project. The CAG will provide advice to the project team on a range of matters, guide the direction of studies, and bring forward the perspectives of several community organizations and stakeholders. It includes:
Recruitment for the CAG closed in August 2022. At this time, we are not seeking further members.
Technical Advisory Committee
The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is a group of staff members from the Town of Innisfil that are providing feedback and recommendations to the technical standards and implementation of the CPPS by-law by working with our consultants.