The Orbit: It's GO Time!

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The Town of Innisfil has big plans for the future including the Orbit project. Imagine a community focused on environmental sustainability, the arts, transit with a proposed GO station, innovative streets and infrastructure, social interaction, health and wellness, a modern economy, urban agriculture, and advanced manufacturing, all combined with vibrant start-up energy and culture. The Orbit is the future of placemaking and city building, today.

Visit the Orbit website for more information about this project.

Have your say

We're hosting a variety of public meetings and surveys throughout this project. Sign up for project updates to be notified of upcoming opportunities to have your say!

Your comments are important to this project. If you're unable to make it to public meetings or prefer to communicate in other ways, please email

Current Stage: Stormwater Master Servicing Plan

The Town of Innisfil, through Aquafor Beech Limited, is creating a Stormwater Master Servicing Plan (MSP) for the proposed new community, Orbit. This plan will develop a preferred approach to provide the appropriate stormwater infrastructure to support the Orbit development. The study will integrate the findings of the South Alcona Flood Reduction Class Environmental Assessment and build upon the Town's Stormwater Management Master Plan Update and Flooding Strategy, with a focus on the proposed Orbit lands.

We held an open house in December 2024 to seek initial feedback from community members on the Orbit Stormwater MSP and share the current stormwater conditions in the development area. Check out the open house feedback to review what we heard.

Past Engagement

Collage of Orbit community meeting

Ask a Planner: The Orbit Virtual Open House

We held a virtual Open House where community members could ask questions about the Orbit project. Following this public event, we created a Frequently Asked Questions page that summarizes the main themes we heard at the Ask A Planner: The Orbit Virtual Open House, and by email.

Initial Stages Survey - 2019/2020

We surveyed the community from November 26, 2019 to January 31, 2020 to get input on the initial stages of development and the future Innisfil GO Station. We reviewed nearly 500 responses to create a draft design that reflects what Innisfil residents wanted to see in the most balanced way. See what your fellow residents said in this Survey Response Summary Report.

The Town of Innisfil has big plans for the future including the Orbit project. Imagine a community focused on environmental sustainability, the arts, transit with a proposed GO station, innovative streets and infrastructure, social interaction, health and wellness, a modern economy, urban agriculture, and advanced manufacturing, all combined with vibrant start-up energy and culture. The Orbit is the future of placemaking and city building, today.

Visit the Orbit website for more information about this project.

Have your say

We're hosting a variety of public meetings and surveys throughout this project. Sign up for project updates to be notified of upcoming opportunities to have your say!

Your comments are important to this project. If you're unable to make it to public meetings or prefer to communicate in other ways, please email

Current Stage: Stormwater Master Servicing Plan

The Town of Innisfil, through Aquafor Beech Limited, is creating a Stormwater Master Servicing Plan (MSP) for the proposed new community, Orbit. This plan will develop a preferred approach to provide the appropriate stormwater infrastructure to support the Orbit development. The study will integrate the findings of the South Alcona Flood Reduction Class Environmental Assessment and build upon the Town's Stormwater Management Master Plan Update and Flooding Strategy, with a focus on the proposed Orbit lands.

We held an open house in December 2024 to seek initial feedback from community members on the Orbit Stormwater MSP and share the current stormwater conditions in the development area. Check out the open house feedback to review what we heard.

Past Engagement

Collage of Orbit community meeting

Ask a Planner: The Orbit Virtual Open House

We held a virtual Open House where community members could ask questions about the Orbit project. Following this public event, we created a Frequently Asked Questions page that summarizes the main themes we heard at the Ask A Planner: The Orbit Virtual Open House, and by email.

Initial Stages Survey - 2019/2020

We surveyed the community from November 26, 2019 to January 31, 2020 to get input on the initial stages of development and the future Innisfil GO Station. We reviewed nearly 500 responses to create a draft design that reflects what Innisfil residents wanted to see in the most balanced way. See what your fellow residents said in this Survey Response Summary Report.

  • Town of Innisfil hosting drop-in open house for Orbit Stormwater Master Servicing Plan

    Share Town of Innisfil hosting drop-in open house for Orbit Stormwater Master Servicing Plan on Facebook Share Town of Innisfil hosting drop-in open house for Orbit Stormwater Master Servicing Plan on Twitter Share Town of Innisfil hosting drop-in open house for Orbit Stormwater Master Servicing Plan on Linkedin Email Town of Innisfil hosting drop-in open house for Orbit Stormwater Master Servicing Plan link

  • Orbit transit hub receives MZO approval

    Share Orbit transit hub receives MZO approval on Facebook Share Orbit transit hub receives MZO approval on Twitter Share Orbit transit hub receives MZO approval on Linkedin Email Orbit transit hub receives MZO approval link

  • Town of Innisfil looks to advance the Orbit transit hub

    Share Town of Innisfil looks to advance the Orbit transit hub on Facebook Share Town of Innisfil looks to advance the Orbit transit hub on Twitter Share Town of Innisfil looks to advance the Orbit transit hub on Linkedin Email Town of Innisfil looks to advance the Orbit transit hub link

    News Release


    October 15, 2020


    Innisfil, ON – Planning for Innisfil’s future Transit Hub, the Orbit, continues as a Staff Report was presented before Council on October 14, 2020. Included in the report is a draft Ministerial Zoning Order (MZO), an important tool Town staff is recommending that facilitates building a new proposed GO station in the community as soon as possible. If the province were to issue an MZO, at the request of the Town, the MZO could expedite the planning process and help get shovels in the ground faster, secure private investment, and support local priorities and economic recovery as the province emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic.

    “This critical infrastructure will connect our growing community to others, and requesting an MZO will help bring this forward-thinking transit hub to life sooner,” said Tim Cane, Director of Growth at the Town of Innisfil. “The Orbit aligns with provincial initiatives to build transit infrastructure, increase attainable housing supply, and make communities more resilient.”

    A virtual Open House – Ask a Planner: The Orbit – is scheduled for October 19 at 6:30 p.m. on the Town’s YouTube channel as a chance for residents to discuss the details of the proposed MZO request and ask questions. Innisfil community members are invited to review the draft MZO and provide feedback on the dedicated project page at or by email to by end of day October 26, 2020 (please note that while October 19 was previously set as the deadline for submitting comments, last night Council asked for this timeline to be extended to allow the public more time to send input).

    The draft MZO includes guidelines for how the land immediately surrounding the proposed Transit Hub (i.e. land within 425 metres of the proposed GO station) can be used, including for spaces like retail, business, residential, affordable housing, recreation and more. The lands outside this area will be addressed in the future through a Secondary Plan, where the Town will once again look for input from the community.

    Staff anticipate reporting back to Council on November 4, 2020 with a finalized MZO recommendation based on feedback received from Council and stakeholders over the next few weeks. If you wish to speak before Council on this matter, please email


    Last year, Partisans—a Toronto-based architecture studio—was awarded the contract to create the vision for the Orbit. The lead developer for the area, Cortel Group, has decided to move forward with the ambitious vision that will see the new Transit Hub and Orbit community built around the area of 6th Line and east of 20th Sideroad. The Innisfil Transit Hub and surrounding residential, employment and community uses will incorporate the design principles of sustainability, placemaking and culture, technology, and economics.

    Leading up to the release of the draft MZO, a number of steps and stakeholder meetings have occurred, including: a resident survey in 2019, proposed station design team meetings, collaboration with the Province, County of Simcoe and Metrolinx, engagement with the resident focus group, and a Council Workshop in May 2020. Learn more about the project at and


  • Council advances the Orbit and Innisfil transit hub design concept

    Share Council advances the Orbit and Innisfil transit hub design concept on Facebook Share Council advances the Orbit and Innisfil transit hub design concept on Twitter Share Council advances the Orbit and Innisfil transit hub design concept on Linkedin Email Council advances the Orbit and Innisfil transit hub design concept link

    News Release


    July 16, 2020


    Innisfil, ON – Last night, Innisfil Council approved concept plans for the new Innisfil Transit Hub and immediate surrounding area.

    “Despite the challenges presented by the COVID-19, we are not slowing down and this Council has taken an important step in making sure that the Transit Hub is ready for Innisfil residents to use as soon as possible,” said Innisfil Mayor Lynn Dollin. “This Transit Hub will be critically-important post-COVID, not just for our economic recovery – but for decades to come.”

    The Innisfil Transit Hub and surrounding residential, employment and community uses will incorporate the following design principles:

    Sustainability – Improved water quality measures, innovative alternative building requirements and many transportation options to reduce the carbon footprint of the Orbit and the wider community.

    Placemaking & Culture – Including destinations and spaces that are high-quality for socializing and reinforcing sense of community.

    Technology – The Town of Innisfil has been recognized globally for using new technologies (Innisfil Transit, accepting cryptocurrency for taxes) and this will continue to be embraced through the Transit Hub, in particular, thinking ahead about smart city concepts and emerging technologies.

    Economics – The construction of the Transit Hub design concept, if approved, will be funded by the development community and not by taxpayers. The Town is committed to the Orbit community including affordable and attainable housing, together with employment opportunities to create an exciting start-up community of small, medium and even large businesses.

    The surrounding development will encourage responsible growth, allowing the population to increase while keeping Innisfil’s features (existing neighbourhoods, rural landscape) considered unique and important by residents. The Orbit is designed to be oriented around sustainability and prioritize public transit and walkability over dependence on cars.

    “What we are looking at is an extraordinary opportunity to not just build another development, but a community that will be sustainable, full of culture, technologically-advanced and provide an economic boost for Innisfil,” said Tim Cane, Innisfil Director of Growth. “With Council’s important endorsement we have taken another significant step forward to bring this transit hub to life.”

    Last year, Partisans – a Toronto-based architecture studio – was awarded the contract to create the vision for the Orbit. The lead developer for the area, Cortel Group, have decided to move forward with the ambitious vision that will see the new Transit Hub, if approved, and Orbit community built around the area of the 6th Line and east of 20th Sideroad.


Page last updated: 24 Mar 2025, 07:31 PM