Innisfil's Official Plan Review

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We're undertaking a 5-year review of our Official Plan, a key document that guides the way our town grows and shapes the spaces we live, work, and play.

Get Involved!

Innisfil is growing, and we need to be ready for the next 30 years. It’s an exciting time for our community, and your input and involvement are vital as we plan for how to manage growth, meet our housing needs, and deliver essential services—today and into the future.

What is an Official Plan?

Our current Official Plan, titled ‘Our Place’, has been in effect since 2018. We created it with a view to thinking about the community’s long-term needs. The Official Plan includes policies and mapping that guide development and infrastructure planning, while also reflecting community priorities for:

  • Land use
  • Protecting the natural environment
  • Addressing climate change
  • Urban design
  • Building height and density in different parts of town
  • Managing of our road, water, and wastewater infrastructure

Following provincial guidance, Innisfil must review and update its Official Plan every five years.

What do we want to achieve with this Official Plan Review?

There are several key objectives we're working towards with this review. These include:

  • Aligning our Official Plan with the latest provincial planning guidance
  • Collaborating with the County of Simcoe and municipal partners to prepare for changes in how the County governs planning in our region
  • Updating our vision and objectives for growth over the next 30 years
  • Planning for infrastructure and services that our community will require
  • Considering whether boundary adjustments to our settlement areas are needed
  • Engaging with First Nations, Indigenous community members, and Innisfil residents and businesses to ensure their needs are reflected

Upcoming engagement opportunities

There will be many opportunities to follow our progress and share your input along the way! Watch for open houses, pop-up events, and surveys, and don't forget to subscribe to this page to receive updates.

We're undertaking a 5-year review of our Official Plan, a key document that guides the way our town grows and shapes the spaces we live, work, and play.

Get Involved!

Innisfil is growing, and we need to be ready for the next 30 years. It’s an exciting time for our community, and your input and involvement are vital as we plan for how to manage growth, meet our housing needs, and deliver essential services—today and into the future.

What is an Official Plan?

Our current Official Plan, titled ‘Our Place’, has been in effect since 2018. We created it with a view to thinking about the community’s long-term needs. The Official Plan includes policies and mapping that guide development and infrastructure planning, while also reflecting community priorities for:

  • Land use
  • Protecting the natural environment
  • Addressing climate change
  • Urban design
  • Building height and density in different parts of town
  • Managing of our road, water, and wastewater infrastructure

Following provincial guidance, Innisfil must review and update its Official Plan every five years.

What do we want to achieve with this Official Plan Review?

There are several key objectives we're working towards with this review. These include:

  • Aligning our Official Plan with the latest provincial planning guidance
  • Collaborating with the County of Simcoe and municipal partners to prepare for changes in how the County governs planning in our region
  • Updating our vision and objectives for growth over the next 30 years
  • Planning for infrastructure and services that our community will require
  • Considering whether boundary adjustments to our settlement areas are needed
  • Engaging with First Nations, Indigenous community members, and Innisfil residents and businesses to ensure their needs are reflected

Upcoming engagement opportunities

There will be many opportunities to follow our progress and share your input along the way! Watch for open houses, pop-up events, and surveys, and don't forget to subscribe to this page to receive updates.

Have a question?

If you have a question about this project, we'll do our best to answer it. Please remember that all submissions need to follow the rules set out by our Forum Etiquette and Moderation guidelines.

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Page last updated: 21 Jan 2025, 12:48 PM