1357 Belle Aire Beach Road - Laurel View Townhouses
A Zoning By-law Amendment, Official Plan Amendment and Plan of Subdivision has been submitted on the subject property to permit a development consisting of an 85-unit residential subdivision on the subject lands, including 69 condominium townhouses on a private common element road with access from Belle Aire Beach Road. A total of 16 of the units are proposed to be live/work units fronting onto Belle Aire Beach Road.
Council considered the applications at the June 22, 2022 Council meeting. Please see links below for the Council Agenda, Staff Report and Notice of Adoption and Notice of Decision (OPA & Subdivision). The Zoning By-law Amendment was not considered at this Council meeting and will be considered at a later date.
-Staff Report (starts on page 433 of the Council Agenda package linked above)
-Notice of Adoption and Notice of Decision (OPA & Subdivision)
The Zoning By-law Amendment application was approved by Council on Wednesday, June 26, 2024. Please see the below links to the Staff Recommendation Report and the Notice of Passing ZBA 060-24:
Notice of Public Meeting and Open House - 1357 Belle Aire Beach Road
1357 Belle Aire Beach Road - Planning Report
1357 Belle Aire Beach Road - Street View
Hydrogeological Report - Bi-monthly Monitoring