706 Lockhart Road - Official Plan Amendment (D09-2023-003), Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2023-005) and Draft Plan of Subdivision (D12-2023-004) Applications
Applications for Official Plan Amendment (File No. D09-2023-003), Zoning By-law Amendment (File No. D14-2023-005) and Draft Plan of Subdivision (File No. D12-2023-004) have been received to facilitate a proposed 314 unit residential subdivision consisting of 184 single detached freehold lots, 130 townhouse land lease lots, a 14.13 hectare environmental protection block, a 1.38 hectare stormwater management pond block, a 0.10 hectare sanitary pump station block, two parkland blocks consisting of a combined 0.69 hectares, a 5.02 hectare future development block in the north portion of the subject lands, a 0.35 hectare enhanced right of way block along Lockhart Road and a 0.25 hectare drainage block. The development is proposed to be accessed by a modified grid street network consisting of 18m wide public roads with two entrances from Lockhart Road across from Middlemass Street and Crescent Road to the south. Full municipal services are proposed to service the development.
The Official Plan Amendment proposes to re-designate the subject lands from 'Retirement Residential Area', 'Key Natural Heritage Features and Key Hydrologic Features', and 'Residential Low Density 1' to 'Residential Low Density 2', 'Key Natural Heritage Features and Key Hydrologic Features', and 'Residential Low Density 1', with a 'Hazard Land Overlay'. The Zoning By-law Amendment proposes to re-zone the lands to a site-specific Residential 3 Exception (R3-XX) Zone and Future Development Exception (FD-XX) Zone as well as Open Space (OS) and Environmental Protection (EP) Zones to facilitate the proposed subdivision.
A Public Meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, February 21, 2024 to be held in Council Chambers at 6:30pm. Please see the below link to the Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting for more information:
Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting
Supporting Materials:
- Cover Letter
- Draft Official Plan Amendment
- Draft Zoning By-law Amendment
- Draft Plan of Subdivision
- Planning Justification Report and Placemaking Brief
- Functional Servicing & Stormwater Management Report (including Plans)
- Traffic Impact Study
- Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment
- Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment
- Environmental Noise Assessment
- Baseline Hydrogeological Assessment
- Stage 1-2 Archaeological Assessment
- Natural Hazard Study Memo
- Architectural/Urban Design Guidelines
- Environmental Impact Study
- Arborist Report (including Tree Inventory and Preservation Plan)
- Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation
- Topographic Survey