Alcona Downtown Rezoning (Interim Control By-law)
Council repealed the Interim Control By-law affecting lands along Innisfil Beach Road on February 10, 2021. Property owners within the former ICB area are once again able to apply for building permits and submit planning applications in accordance with new zoning provisions. A related Staff Report is attached to the February 10, 2021 Council Meeting minutes page on CivicWeb.
Council approved the replacement zoning by-law regulations on November 25, 2020. The full recommendation Staff Report (DSR-182-20) is available related to the decision for details on the impact of that decision. Further, the 20-day appeal period ended on December 22, 2020, with no appeals received. This means the new zoning changes are now in full effect.
An Interim Control By-law (059-19) was introduced on May 8, 2019. The purpose of the bylaw was to freeze development until study could be undertaken and replacement zoning could be introduced to implement new Official Plan Downtown Commercial Area designations.
Following a neighborhood open house on February 18, 2020 and public meeting on June 17, 2020, replacement zoning was prepared and originally scheduled for consideration by Council on August 12, 2020. This Staff Recommendation Report can be found on CivicWeb, or by following this link: DSR-117-20 Recommendation Report. On August 12, 2020, Council extended the current interim control by-law until May 8, 2021, save and except those properties on Lakelands Avenue abutting Lake Simcoe, properties which were removed from future rezoning consideration. The purpose and effect of the extension was to allow the Town of Innisfil to complete a study to assess the suitability of mixed-use zoning on lands designated Downtown Commercial Area within the remainder of the ICB area. A copy of the ICB Extension (By-law No. 073-20) can be found at the bottom of this page.
New Zoning
- permissions for four and three-storey mixed use structures, with the lowest adjacent to Lakelands Avenue;
- permissions for stacked townhouses, subject to meeting commercial use requirements on Innisfil Beach Road;
- restrictions on undesired uses; and
- enhanced landscaping and building setbacks to transition to the surrounding residential neighborhood.
- Residential taxation will not change until they are redeveloped with commercial use. Where properties are vacant (where there are no buildings on a property) tax rates may change.
- Though expropriation is a tool available to the Town where justified and approved by Council, there are no plans to expropriate lands within the area currently affected by the ICB.
- The Interim Control By-law put a freeze on development on certain lands. It has no effect on the ability of an owner to sell or purchase lands. A rezoning would not restrict a sale.
- Once the ICB is repealed (scheduled for consideration by Council on February 10, 2021), you would then be able to renovate and obtain permits to maintain your home as a residential dwelling. However, where new non-residential development occurs, it would need to meet the new Zoning provisions.
- By-law 104-20 (Replacement Zoning)
Summary of public survey results (November 25, 2020)
- ICB Extension (073-20)
- ICB (059-19)
- DSR-182-20 Final Recommendation Report
- DSR-117-20 Recommendation Report
- DSR-042-20 Innisfil Beach Road and Lakelands Avenue By-law Changes - Informational Report
- DSR-042-20 Public Meeting Presentation
- ICB Zoning By-law Amendment (D18-2020-001) - Draft By-law Text Overview
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