Transportation Master Plan Update
Consultation has concluded. Thank you to everyone who participated.
On August 10, 2022, Council approved the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Update.
Innisfil's population is expected to grow from approximately 50,000 people to 85,000 people in 2051. To support this growth, we need to plan ahead. The TMP outlines infrastructure improvements and policies to support the future needs of our community.
The Transportation Master Plan (TMP) creates a long-term transportation vision for the Town, addressing future mobility needs in all modes. The Town completed its first TMP in 2013, and update in 2018, and the current version in 2022. As outlined in the presentation to Council made at the June 22, 2022, regular Council meeting, the revised TMP includes the following highlights:
- An increased focus on active transportation (walking, bicycling, and other non-motorized travel modes) and promoting healthy lifestyles
- Exploration of scalable, reliable transit options
- Planning for growth, including the new GO station, the Orbit, and the future interchange at Highway 400 and the 6th Line
- A new around Lake Simcoe cycling route
- A focus on the need to create a Highway 89 East-West Link bypassing Cookstown
- Intersection and grade separation improvements in the vicinity of the Metrolinx rail line, Innisfil Beach Road, and 20th Sideroad
The project team looked into various transportation solutions including the following:
In general, the TMP provides the Town with the following:
- Information on the Current State of the Transportation Network
- Assessment of Impacts from Future Growth
- Pedestrian Movement and Trails Network Assessment including recommendations
- Transit Network Assessment and recommendations
- Development Charges (DC) Background Study recommendations
Key Projects
- The transfer of portions of the 6th Line from the Town to the County of Simcoe jurisdiction
- Intersection improvements at several locations on the 20th Sideroad, especially at the 20th Sideroad and Innisfil Beach Road
- The Cookstown-area Highway 89 East-West Link Bypass
- Collector and arterial road widenings
- Consideration of traffic calming in neighborhoods and arterial road speed control measures in dense urban settings
- An around Lake Simcoe trail network
Of these, the three highest-priority projects are, in order of impact:
- Intersection improvements at Innisfil Beach Road and the 20th Sideroad
- Improvements to the 6th Line, including widening, bridge reconstruction, interchange construction, and transfer of portions to the County of Simcoe
- The Highway 89 East-West Link bypassing Cookstown
Public Survey
The Public Survey for the Transportation Master Plan closed September 30, 2021 with 724 participants! Thank you to all those who took the time to provide your input, here are the SURVEY RESULTS
Public Meetings
Presentation slides can be found on the right of this page.
Public Open House #1 - August 25, 2021
Public Open House #2- January 27, 2022
Consultation has concluded. Thank you to everyone who participated.
The Draft Master Plan is now available and we welcome your comments/questions. You can also send your questions/comments to our consultants Rj Burnside & Associates to Xinli Tu