 Hi there, thanks for joining us.

 This video is going to provide an overview of what exactly digital on demand transit means and what it is.

 So what exactly is digital on demand transit?

 For starters, it is not like conventional fixed Rd.


 It does not follow specified routing, it does not follow established frequencies and timetables, and it doesn't even use larger buses.

 Instead, it's services defined areas, and users in those areas can book trips at their preferred times within posted operating hours via a digital device.

 No calling necessary.

 You may be thinking that this sounds similar to how one would schedule a taxi service.

 Well select differences include paying transit fare cost, the use of bus stops, and ride sharing as much as possible.

 On demand transit trips will seek to emulate traditional transit practices by collecting other users on route to a destination.

 This is a typical trip that an individual would make using digital on demand transit.

 A user will book a trip at a specified time, travel to the designated bus stop within a window of time provided, board the vehicle, pick up other users on route if any, arrive at the specified location, then if necessary, walk or otherwise travel to their final destination.

 Digital on Demand Transit is a relatively new innovation in the transit industry.

 It rose to prominence during COVID-19 and has persisted.

 The benefits of digital on demand transit lies in its ability to provide more efficient and cost effective services to areas that are rural, sprawling, low density or have low ridership.

 Additional savings are afforded based on community demand for service, which determines the type of vehicle used from vans to minibuses.

 So that is a high level overview of what digital on demand transit is.

 We appreciate your attention.

 There are several other videos that you can check out on the subjects of fixed rate transit service coverage and service frequency.
