 Hi there, thanks for joining us.

 This video is going to provide an overview of what exactly service coverage means, what it is, and how it may affect your community.

 Service coverage is the extent of the total geographical area that transit providers consider to be served by or covered by transit.

 This goes beyond just the fixed routes, curbside stops, and transit terminals because it is assumed that users will have to walk or otherwise travel to a bus stop.

 Therefore, all buildings and areas within a 5 minute walking radius of bus stops are included in the covered area.

 To be considered within the five minute walking distance, there must be publicly accessible infrastructure to walk and or travel on.

 In the context of service coverage, an area is considered covered if it is within the five minute walking distance, regardless of how often the bus comes.

 For example, in a dense urban center, buses may come every 5 minutes versus in a suburban area where a bus may come every hour.

 Both scenarios are considered to be served by transit.

 Expanding service coverage is one of the primary ways to invest in transit.

 Increasing coverage brings more potential riders into walking distance of bus stops.

 So while those already receiving transit services will not perceive immediate benefits to the service, more ridership means more revenue and greater funds to reinvest into service improvements.

 So that is a high level overview of the term service coverage.

 We appreciate your attention.

 There are several other videos that you can check out on the subjects of fixed route transit, digital on demand transit, and service frequency.
