25th Side Road Reconstruction

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Consultation has concluded

The Town of Innisfil has completed the preliminary design for the 25th Side Road Reconstruction project from Innisfil Beach Road to Big Bay Point Road. The redesigned corridor adds new features that will enhance travel for those walking, rolling, cycling, and driving through the addition of sidewalks, cycling facilities, and traffic calming features. The redesigned corridor will support active transportation and improve the safety of all road users as Innisfil continues to grow.

Find current project information at innisfil.ca/25thSideroad.

Past Engagement

On November 22, 2021, the Town of Innisfil and the Consultant Team from WSP Canada delivered a virtual Open House to introduce the project to the community and answer any questions related to the preliminary design. You can watch a recording of the Open House.

About the Project

We're improving 25th Side Road from Big Bay Point Road to Innisfil Beach Road and adding new features to create a more bicycle and pedestrian-friendly street. This project is an opportunity to bring an active-transportation-first approach to road design to improve the safety and the experience of all road users, expanding transportation choice for residents of Innisfil. The Town will also be exploring the use of traffic calming initiatives and green street features as part of the design to create a street that is safer, more comfortable and more sustainable. The result will be more room for residents to walk, bike, and rollerblade around town while also meeting the needs of residents and visitors who drive.

How long until it's finished?

This work will take a number of years to complete, but we're starting with a preliminarily design for 2021. During this time, we will be creating a phasing plan which will determine the order in which sections of the road should be constructed. In 2022 we will be doing detailed design for phase 1 and, starting in 2023, we are hoping to be ready to construct the first section of roadway. The design and construction of the second and third sections will carry on in 2023 and 2024.

How will this affect me?

You may notice some geotechnical investigations which may create temporary single lane closures, traffic disruptions, and noise.

The Town of Innisfil has completed the preliminary design for the 25th Side Road Reconstruction project from Innisfil Beach Road to Big Bay Point Road. The redesigned corridor adds new features that will enhance travel for those walking, rolling, cycling, and driving through the addition of sidewalks, cycling facilities, and traffic calming features. The redesigned corridor will support active transportation and improve the safety of all road users as Innisfil continues to grow.

Find current project information at innisfil.ca/25thSideroad.

Past Engagement

On November 22, 2021, the Town of Innisfil and the Consultant Team from WSP Canada delivered a virtual Open House to introduce the project to the community and answer any questions related to the preliminary design. You can watch a recording of the Open House.

About the Project

We're improving 25th Side Road from Big Bay Point Road to Innisfil Beach Road and adding new features to create a more bicycle and pedestrian-friendly street. This project is an opportunity to bring an active-transportation-first approach to road design to improve the safety and the experience of all road users, expanding transportation choice for residents of Innisfil. The Town will also be exploring the use of traffic calming initiatives and green street features as part of the design to create a street that is safer, more comfortable and more sustainable. The result will be more room for residents to walk, bike, and rollerblade around town while also meeting the needs of residents and visitors who drive.

How long until it's finished?

This work will take a number of years to complete, but we're starting with a preliminarily design for 2021. During this time, we will be creating a phasing plan which will determine the order in which sections of the road should be constructed. In 2022 we will be doing detailed design for phase 1 and, starting in 2023, we are hoping to be ready to construct the first section of roadway. The design and construction of the second and third sections will carry on in 2023 and 2024.

How will this affect me?

You may notice some geotechnical investigations which may create temporary single lane closures, traffic disruptions, and noise.

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25th Sideroad Segment Types

almost 3 years

This illustrates where each type of roadway is proposed along 25th Sideroad from Innisfil Beach Road to Big Bay Point Road. Purple Lines represent Downtown Commercial corridors, Orange lines show low density residential areas and green shows green space connections.

We want to hear from you! What improvements are you excited about? Which areas should we know more about as we begin the design process? Do you have any concerns with what is proposed? Place a Pin on the map and let us know!

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.